Monday, April 23, 2012

What's New Pussy Cat?

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you may have realised 
I am a little bit of a cat lover, to say the least...

Anyway, having thought about customising some shoes with cute little cat faces for far too long, I finally got on with it, and what a hit they've been! There are far more crazy cat ladies out there than I had ever imagined!

You can get your cat shoes here and for a mere £25.

This lovely lady, Netty, literally screamed with delight when she came to collect the shoes I made to look like her kitty, Randall the Vandal...

I personally will be wearing one cat and one mouse...

And here's a Kitty Cat commission for another cat lover... 
these 3 cats depict her little furry friends:


And there'll be more ginger and white cats to come...

But for now, I must go and give my grumpy cat some love.

Purry lovings


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