Been a bit lazy on the ol' blog front recently, but have been mightily busy making new Gaborgs, so let's just get straight down to business...
Yup, she's been in the news, and she is a little bit bonkers, it's Heather Mills!

Complete with false leg, teardrop on her cheek, and 'Boycott the Sun' t-shirt, Heather was a one-off commission for my 2 favourite fans, along with the next Gaborg on the list...
He is one fascinating creature; it's Pete Burns!
He wears Vivienne Westwood-esque tartan dress, diamante belt and mongolian lambs fur shrug. His lips are plumped to the max, and hair looks as real to life as possible with chunky black roots. Beautiful.
Both these critters are one-off commissions. If you would like your very own one-off Gaborg, made of your favourite celebrity, or even a loved one, please contact me at
Bobbin and scissor love xx
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