Monday, September 27, 2010

Shoppy Shop Shop

I haven't blogged for a while, mainly because I have been very busy, and wanted to keep a secret til everything was in place, but, I got the keys to my shop on Saturday! Whooooplaaaa!!

All weekend has been spent painting things white- walls, shelves, us...

Now it's looking super fresh and ready to start doing more interesting stuff, like moving things in.

Here's just a little sneaky peak...

So far, so good.

Now off to move some furniture in... EeeeeK! Exciting!

Shop Lovings



Anonymous said...

WOW - Congratulation !!!
Soon we will be in London - hope
to see you then... :)
Take care & all the best,
Miss Tula Trash

cowbiscuits said...

amazing what exciting times! xx